Newtech Software
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Dr. D.Sundarajan is an international expert in the area of Digital signal processing (DSP) and communication systems having a prestigious US patent in DFT algorithm. He has published two books one on DFT and another on DSP as Consultant of Newtech.  He is available full time with Newtech Software for consulting in these areas of Work. 

Prof. V.V.S.Sarma is an Emeritus professor from the prestigious Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He is internationally known in the area of AI and software process methodologies.  He is now available for Newtech Software on full time basis. 

Dr. N.K.Srinivasan is a full time consultant.  He is a certified software quality assurance expert.  He has more than 10 years of experience in the area of project management and software quality assurance.  

 Mr. H. Ramakrishna - International Expert on RF signal handling and DSP


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